Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms have become increasingly prevalent in organizations around the world. These platforms offer manufacturers scalable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to manage everything from supply chains to operational workflows to customer relationship management, all in the cloud. However, with the growing reliance on SaaS solutions, it is crucial for manufacturers to conduct thorough due diligence when selecting and working with these vendors to safeguard their data and ensure they are safe from threat actors.
You've reached a significant milestone in your career journey—conducting your first performance review. While the responsibility may seem daunting, it's an opportunity for growth, both for you and your team member.
In the fast-paced world of young professionals, staying organized is not just a skill; it's a survival tactic. Read on for some practical tips to help you stay organized during those hectic times.
In today's interconnected world, the strength of a manufacturer’s cybersecurity is only as robust as its weakest link. As businesses become more integrated and dependent on external vendors and supply chain partners, third-party risk management has become a critical component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy.