
Jackware: Malware that Can Hijack a Machine

As technology continues to evolve, so does the sophistication of malware to exploit it.  Manufacturing in particular has become familiar with Ransomware in recent years as a growing threat that has given rise to massive business and supply chain disruption.  Ransomware has traditionally targeted computer…


Ransomware Attacks Increasingly Targeting Manufacturers

Ransomware has become a well-known cyber-threat over the past several years, with more and more criminal organizations leveraging it as a way to disrupt all types of businesses in the hopes of a quick pay day.  Ransomware is a particularly nasty strain of malware because it encrypts your data and holds it hostage…


Cyber Liability Insurance - 3 Reasons Why You Need It

With the risk of cyber attacks higher than ever before, it’s never been more crucial to ensure that your business is adequately protected from disruption.  Many companies think they have coverage for cyber incidents through their business or liability insurance provider, but did you know that all cyber coverage is…


Password Guidelines

Weak passwords and compromised credentials have been among the top reasons behind cyber breaches for some time now. Did you know that simple passwords that are less than seven characters in length and can be cracked in mere seconds? Commonly used passwords such as “123456,” “password”, or even your dog’s name…


Security Awareness Training - Key Elements for Success

Critical Elements of any Cyber Awareness Program

Cybersecurity awareness training has been identified as one of the most key actions that companies can take in order to prevent cyber attacks. Employees using computers to do their jobs every day are the first line of defense against cyberattacks. Since the…


Shields Up Program

In 2018 the US Government created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency with the goal of connecting the public and private sectors to each other and to resources, analyses, and tools to help build their own cyber, communications, and physical security and resilience. With the development of recent…


Password Protection Tips

In our first issue of PMMI CyberHealth, we explore passwords and authentication. It is estimated that over 80% of cyberattacks are caused by weak passwords that are easily guessed or “cracked”, making it one of the easiest and most dangerous vectors for attackers to gain access to your systems and wreak havoc. …


Protect Your Business from Cyberattacks

The Biden-Harris Administration has warned repeatedly about the potential for Russia to engage in malicious cyber activity against the United States in response to the unprecedented economic sanctions we have imposed.  There is now evolving intelligence that Russia may be exploring options for potential…


Don’t be the Reason your Company is Attacked

Guest: Ben Spencer, IT Manager, PMMI

Small and medium-sized manufacturing operations are now the companies that hackers and bad actors target the most as the stressed supply chain can become wholly unhinged with a few mouse clicks. Obviously, the events unfolding in Ukraine only add to the concern…


PMMI CYBER ALERT: Batten Down the Hatches

With the development of the recent events in Ukraine and U.S. sanctions on Russia starting to sink in, government authorities are warning of imminent increases in state-sponsored hacking attempting to disrupt infrastructure and supply chains.

This episode of unPACKed with PMMI interrupts its regular schedule…