PMMI Podcast

Episode #134 - From Shortages to Solutions: Revolutionizing CPGs with Warehouse Automation

Guest: Jonathan Pipe, Senior Consulting Analyst for Interact Analysis

Some of the biggest challenges facing CPGs today include labor shortages, supply chain issues, and the need for increased automation. Recognizing this, PMMI Business Intelligence commissioned a report on Warehousing Automation to offer potential solutions to these growing challenges. unPACKed sits down with Jonathan Pipe Senior Consulting Analyst for Interact analysis who researched the report and discussed how the growth of e-commerce and direct-to-consumer shipping is also driving the need for warehouse automation. Pipe explains how warehousing automation aids worker issues, and the direct impact CPG companies who are investing in automation are finding when it comes to handling the increased complexity of e-commerce fulfillment. 

Download 2023 Packaging and Automation in the Warehouses of the Future


Jonathan Pipe

Jonathan Pipe
Jonathan Pipe

Jonathan has over 6 years of market and industry research experience in a wide variety of sectors including commercial vehicles, automation and digitalization. Jonathan has led several PMMI research projects covering the packaging industry including the Evolution of Automation report which was published last year. He is responsible for custom research projects at market intelligence company Interact Analysis.

Business Intelligence