tart, s.r.o.
Territory Covered
Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain
Lines of Business
Packaging Equipment, Packaging Materials
Manufacturers Represented
Dibipack, Lady Pack, Tart machines, Mecpack, Compacta, Ecofard, BVM,
Industries Served
Other industries served:
Processing Machinery & Related Supplies/service
Type of Equipment Sold
Other equipment sold:
Paper boxes, foil, bubble wrap, scotch tape, and other wraping materials and packaging machines
Company Description
TART is a leading Czech manufacturer and supplier of packaging materials and packaging machines for the Czech Republic and Central European countries. The company also offers goods from the area SUNFLEX thermoreflective building foils and Cortec anti-corrosion materials.
Company Address
Vinohradska 366/91618
618 00
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